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Sunday, May 3, 2020 at 3:00 PM
Due to the elevated threat from the Covid-19 virus, this event has been canceled.
At this time, there are no plans to
reschedule the event.
Thank you for your understanding.
Dr. Gregory J. Schaffer
Butler Philharmonic Chorus
Randall Thompson Festival
and other
American Choral Classics

Paul Stanbery, Music Director and Conductor
The Butler Philharmonic Chorus makes its debut appearance on the
Cathedral Concert Series, and we are pleased to welcome this acclaimed group from Butler County, Ohio, along with
their distinguished conductor, Paul Stanbery.
The program will feature American Sacred Choral music,
celebrating and highlighting selections by Randall Thompson.
For more than 60 years, the Butler Philharmonic Orchestra and Chorus
has been dedicated to outstanding and uncommon programming.
In 2005, the Chorus performed under the baton of noted
English composer John Rutter in Carnegie Hall,
and they were invited to return in 2018, under Paul Stanbery.

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